The 14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC14)
- 17 – 21 August 2020
- National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
- Due to the COVID-19 virus, the ICGAC14 will be arranged as a Web Conference.
ICGAC14 is the series of biennial conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology which take place in the Asia-Pacific region, with the goals to promote cooperation among the member countries and within an international context, high level studies on hot topics and to encourage young physicists on these fields. This conference has been one of the key programs sponsored by APCTP over the past twenty years. It has been hosted by AP regions: Seoul, Korea (1993); Hsinchu, Taiwan (1995); Tokyo, Japan (1997); Beijing, China (1999); Moscow, Russia (2001); Seoul, Korea (2003); Jhongli, Taiwan (2005); Nara, Japan (2007); Wuhan, China (2009); Qui-Nhon, Vietnam (2011); Almaty, Kazakhstan (2013); Moscow, Russia (2015), Seoul, Korea (2017). After ICGAC-XIII at Ewha Womans University (2017), it will be held at National Central University, Taiwan in 2020 as a sequence of MG, GRG and ICGAC for every three years.

2. Classical and Quantum Cosmology
3. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
4. Black Holes, Wormholes
5. Strings, Branes, Higher Spin Fields and Quantum Gravity
6. Extra Dimensions and Variation of Constants
7. Experimental Studies of Gravity and Fundamental Physics Space Projects
8. Gravitational Waves
9. Numerical Relativity
10. Relativistic Astrophysics
11. White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Gamma Ray Bursts
12. Applied relativity
Important deadlines
31 July: presentation registration
10 August: general registration
International Standing Committee
Yongmin Cho (Chair, Konkuk University), Medeu Abishev (Al Farabi Kazakh National University), Dieter Brill (University of Maryland), Rong-Gen Cai (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Chiang-Mei Chen (National Central University), Valeri P. Frolov (University of Alberta), Dmitri V. Gal’tsov (Moscow State University), Alex Giacomini (Universidad Austral de Chile), Jong-Ping Hsu (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Masakatsu Kenmoku (Nara Women’s University), Sung-Won Kim (Ewha Womans University), Claus Laemmerzahl (University of Bremen), Jun Luo (Sun Yat Sen University), Wei-Tou Ni (National Tsing Hua University), Ho Jung Paik (University of Maryland), Oscar Reula (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), Remo Ruffini (ICRANet), Roland Triay (University of Marseille), David Wiltshire (University of Canterbury), Jong Hyuk Yoon (Konkuk Unversity)
Local Organizing Committee
Chiang-Mei Chen (Chair, National Central University), Pisin Chen (National Taiwan University), Hing Tong Cho (Tamkang University), Wolung Lee (National Taiwan Normal University), Chun-Yu Lin (National Center for Highperformance Computing), Shih-Yuin Lin (National Changhua U. of Education), Chopin Soo (National Cheng Kung University), Yao-Huan Tseng (Academia Sinica), Chun-Hsien Wu (Soochow University), Hwei-Jang Yo (National Cheng Kung University), Hoi-Lai Yu (Academia Sinica)